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23 Sep 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 09 )

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31 Aug 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 08 )

Journal ID : TMJ-28-12-2022-11474
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Abstract :

In recent years, the blood groups of patients have begun to attract the attention of researchers, which is associated with natural selection and genetic load in the human population. Non-random distributions of the alleles of the erythrocyte antigen ABO on the planet have been established, associated with different survival rates of individuals differing in blood type in conditions of frequent epidemics of particularly dangerous infections. The regions of relatively low frequencies of the allele of the first blood group O (I) and relatively high frequencies of the allele of the third group B (III) in Central Asia coincide with the foci of plague, the causative agent of which has an H-antigen, populations with the first blood group, a group especially susceptible to plague. The proof is the fact that relatively high concentrations of the allele of the first group were found in the populations of aborigines of Australia and Polynesia, American Indians, who were practically not infected with the plague. In addition, for populations from the same geographical region, but isolated reproductively, the reason for the sharp difference in the concentration of ABO alleles may be gene drift. For example, the frequency of blood group A (I) reaches 80% among the Indians of the Blackfoot tribe and 20% among the Indians from Utah [Yarygin V.N., 1999]. Our task was to study the susceptibility to pneumonia and parasitic diseases, mainly echinococcosis among healthy and sick children, depending on the blood type. What is the susceptibility to helminthiasis in people of different blood groups.

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