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19 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )

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30 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )

Journal ID : TMJ-01-03-2022-11162
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Title : The effects of cephalosporin antibiotics generations on samples taken from different cases (Oral cavity and surgical wounds)

Abstract :

One hundred samples were collected randomly from patients whose visit the surgery department in Jamhori Teaching Hospital and 50 samples from patients whose visit Dentistry center in Al-Hilla in period between July to October 2020, the patients included age between 17-77 years old. The samples in sterile swabs transported to the laboratory directly after the collection and each sample which making culture, sample cultures directly on nutrient agar, MaCconky agar and blood agar, and incubated for 24 hours, after incubation period the bacterial colonies identified by Api20 test to detect the species of bacteria in urine sample, the antibiotic sensitivity test done. The results showed to 60 (60%) males among total patients while 40(40%) females among total patients infected with surgical wound infection and mouth cavity infection. and the results agreed with. There are no specific cause for the differences between males and females, and the cause belong to randomly samples. In current study table (1) referred to in females the infected of increase in young age group (17-27 years) in percentage (25%) in comparison with other age groups (18 %) in (27-37 years), (23%) in (37-47 years), (12%) in (47-57 years), (10%) in (57-67 years) and (12%) in (67-77 years). While the results in males where the table (1) showed to increase the UTI with age, (67-77 years) in percentage (22%) in comparison with other age groups, (11%) in (17-27 years), (13%) in (27-37 years), (5%) in (37-47 years), (15%) in (47-57 years), (17%) in (57-67 years) The current study results referred to differences in genus and species of bacteria which cause wound infections S.aureus bacteria take the first place in wound infection (55%) percentage while (25%) in (15%) in Klebsiella spp., (15%) in While in mouth cavity samples showed Streptococcus mutans (40%), Streptococcus salivarius (20%), Streptococcus anginosus (25%) and Streptococcus pyogenes (15%).

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