Submission Deadline
19 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )

Upcoming Publication
30 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )

Journal ID : TMJ-24-12-2021-10924
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Title : The clinical pattern of metastasis in breast cancer patient in correlation with histopathological and immunohistochemically study

Abstract :

Despite advances in breast cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment, nearly 12% of patients with a diagnosis of breast cancer eventually develop metastatic disease. No cure for metastatic breast cancer yet exists, and it is associated with a poor prognosis: The 5- year survival rate is 26%. Nevertheless, many treatments can improve and extend the lives of patients with metastatic breast cancer. The aim of study: To explore the possible relationship between the histopathology and intrinsic subtype of the primary breast cancer with the predilection sites of distant metastases. An analytic retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted on 195 metastatic breast cancer patients that visiting the out patients at the oncology teaching hospital in the medical city in Iraqi country during the period from the twentieth of January 2016 to the thirteenth of September 2016. The bone was the most frequent site of metastasis in hormonal receptor positive tumor, followed by lung and then liver, while the lung was the most frequent site of metastases in Triple Negative breast cancer followed by bone. Brain metastases was more frequent in TNBC and luminal –ve/HER2 over expressing and the liver secondary showed that no difference between the groups. In metastatic breast cancer patients; tumors subtypes are associated with different pattern of distant metastases. These associations are of help in choice for surveillance and therapy in individual patients.

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