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19 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )

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30 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )

Journal ID : TMJ-12-10-2021-10716
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Title : Spontaneous Resolution on Congenital Depression of Neonatal Skull: A Case Report

Abstract :

Neonatal congenital skull depression is a rare event. The reported incidence of this event varies between 1 to 2.5 every 10,000 livebirths. Treatment options varies from conservative to surgical. Spontaneous resolution has been observed in many patients without surgical intervention. In this case report, we will discuss the congenital skull depression of neonates who were delivered by a conservatively managed caesarean section. A 28-years-old multigravida woman at 38 weeks gestation was admitted to UNS Surakarta Hospital. When labor, the woman failed to progress and had a prolonged second stage of labor. As a result, she had to deliver by caesarean section. From this delivery, a neonate was born with a congenital cavity of the skull on the right parietal bone. The neonate was treated conservatively and showed spontaneous resolution within 16 days of observation. In this case, conservative treatment was chosen because there was no neurological deficit seen, and the depth of depression did not exceed 2 cm. Spontaneous resolution with conservative treatment has been reported previously, with complete resolution ranging from 4 to 6 months. Neonatal skull congenital depression is caused by many factors. Surgery may be considered if there is a neurological deficit in the neonate. In most cases, patients experience spontaneous resolution after 4 to 6 months.

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