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19 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )

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30 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )

Journal ID : TMJ-06-12-2022-11464
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Title : Sleeve Gastrectomy and Liver Omentoplasty Effects on Pro-Inflammatory Markers in Rats with Obesity and Liver Fibrosis

Abstract :

In 2018, more than 600 million people are clinically obese. Obesity cause liver fibrosis. The increase in glucose levels triggers the formation of pro-inflammatory factors. TNF-α and PDGF play role as inflammatory factors in liver fibrosis process. This study aimed to examine the effect of sleeve gastrectomy and liver omentoplasty on TNF-α and PDGF level in obese rats model. This study is a laboratory experimental study on 20 male wistar rats. The samples then divided into 2 control groups and 2 treatment groups. Rats were treated with a high-fat diet to become obese based on Lee's criteria >300 and liver fibrosis induction with CCl4, as well as liver sleeve gastrectomy and omentoplasty procedures. PDGF and TNF- α levels were measured by PCR method. TNF-α and PDGF level were found to be the lowest in the treatment 1 group. There was a significant difference on TNF-α and PDGF level across all the study groups. Mann Whitney analysis shows a significant decrease on PDGF level between the control group and the treatment 1 group (p=0,004). It was found that there is a difference on TNF-α level between control with treatment 1 and 2 groups. There is also a significant decrease between positive control and treatment 1 group, and between treatment 1 and 2 groups. Liver omentoplasty and sleeve gastrectomy could reduce the level of pro-inflammatory markers (PDGF and TNF-α) on rats with obese and liver fibrosis model.

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