Abstract :
Stunting is a condition of delayed growth and development in adolescents due to chronic malnutrition. Adolescents who have different physical conditions with their peers tend to feel insecure, so that it can cause self-concept disorders. To determine the characteristics and self-concept along with the components in adolescents aged between 11-15 years old who have experience stunting in the Guntur District, Demak Regency. Quantitative research design with a Cross Sectional approach. The population of this research was students who experienced stunting in the Guntur District, Demak Regency. The number of samples are 35 students using purposive sampling technique. Data analysis method using univariate. Adolescents who have a positive self-concept are 18 adolescents (51.4%), positive self-image are 21 respondents (60%), negative self-ideal 19 respondents (54.3%), negative self-esteem are 20 respondents (57.1%), negative self-role totaled 18 respondents (51.4%), and positive self-identity amounted to 18 respondents (51.4%). Adolescents who experience stunting in the Guntur District, Demak Regency, some have a positive self-concepts totaling and some have a negative. It is hoped that this research can be used as a reference for further research and can add more variables and different research methods Adolescents who experience stunting in the Guntur District, Demak Regency, some have a positive self-concepts totaling and some have a negative. It is hoped that this research can be used as a reference for further research and can add more variables and different research methods Adolescents who experience stunting in the Guntur District, Demak Regency, some have a positive self-concepts totaling and some have a negative. It is hoped that this research can be used as a reference for further research and can add more variables and different research methods.