Submission Deadline
19 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )

Upcoming Publication
30 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )

Journal ID : TMJ-29-10-2021-10755
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Abstract :

The goal of this research was to look at nursing students' knowledge and attitudes about variables that impact fertility. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 530 nursing students studying at the University of Mosul, College of Nursing, between March and April 2021. The research data were collected by the researchers through an electronic questionnaire form that was created by examining the literature. Descriptive statistics were used in the evaluation of the data. The participants' average age was 20.21.8, and 87.1 percent of them were female. Consider the student's understanding of fertility-related variables. 73.5 percent of students said advanced age, 77.5 percent said obesity, 82.3 percent said genital abnormalities, 82.3 percent said testicular diseases, 85.1 percent said hormonal disorders, 75.8 percent said pituitary diseases, 76.0 percent said sexually transmitted diseases, and 76.0 percent said occupational exposure. 83.3 percent of student’s smoke, 79.3% use alcohol, 79.8% use drugs, 54.0 percent do not exercise consistently, 85.4 percent consume an unhealthy diet and hormonal foods, 57.8% have sleep disturbances, 74.0 percent have anxiety, and 68.7% use longer gadgets. Laptops and the use of mobile phones by 67.7% of people are two lifestyle variables that have a detrimental impact on fertility. Regarding lifestyle factors that impact fertility, 78.3 percent of students do not smoke, 41.4 percent exercise regularly, and 63.1 percent eat a nutritious diet. It was shown that 57.3 percent of them have abnormal sleep patterns, 69.9% are stressed, 54.0 percent use laptop computers, and 98.2 percent use mobile phones. Nursing students are often well-versed in the issues related to infertility. Although they know better, many of them still have an outlook toward living a lifestyle that will have an adverse effect on their fertility.

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