Submission Deadline
25 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )

Upcoming Publication
30 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )

Journal ID : TMJ-20-02-2023-11507
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Title : Prevalence of Intestinal Parasitic Infections Among Health Care Assistants of a Tertiary Care Hospital

Abstract :

Parasitic infections are considered to be a major health problem globally. The prevalence of infections caused by intestinal parasites with special reference to Soil-transmitted helminth [STH] infections are higher in tropical and subtropical climate than temperate climate. Published reports showing diversity in prevalence, detection methods depending on terrain. Persons working as health care workers providing patient care, work in research and clinical laboratories are at risk of becoming infected with parasitic infections like other microbial infections which may or may not be recognized as they usually occur through accidental exposures. In the same way health care workers infected with parasitic infections can infect the patients, mainly critical care patients who are highly susceptible to various infections due to immunocompromised state and also infect other workers of the hospital. Unfortunately, exposures and infections occurring through accidental exposure in these cases goes unrecognized and also remain unreported. To Estimate the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections among the health care assistants (cleaning staff, staff taking care of patients, Ambulance drivers and food handlers) of a tertiary care hospital and to determine the associated risk factors among infected participants. A Cross-sectional Study conducted in Department of Microbiology of a tertiary care hospital. Health Care assistant workers in a tertiary care hospital during the study period were study population. Stool samples were tested in a microbiology laboratory of a tertiary care hospital, which included gross and microscopic examination. Prevalence of infection found 3.63% due to 4 positive samples from 110 total samples. 2 positive samples showed the presence of H. nana, 1 showed the presence of A. lumbricoides and 1 positive for Giardia lamblia. Less prevalence in comparison to other study may be due to better knowledge of the importance of hand hygiene practices after COVID Pandemic and due to good Hospital infection control practices.

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