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27 Oct 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 10 )

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31 Oct 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 10 )

Journal ID : TMJ-17-04-2022-11257
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Title : Phenomena Causing The Cancellation Of Surgeries

Abstract :

To know the phenomena that influence the cancellation of surgeries scheduled in an IPS of the city of Barranquilla, through the collection and analysis of the information provided by the institution between years 2019-2021, in order to specify the impact of this indicator on the IPS and provide recommendations for improvement. To carry out the search for the bibliographic documents, an exhaustive investigation was carried out since August 2021 in several documentary sources such as the reservoir of the Simón Bolívar University, unisimón journals, Spopus, among other research sites offered by the university library system, using descriptors such as: cancellation of surgeries, causes of the cancellation of surgeries, operating rooms, failures, rescheduled patients, consequences of cancellation; so that in this way it would be a precise and concrete search. In addition to this, the Internet search engine "Google Academico" was also used with the same descriptors mentioned above, selecting only those documents with formal and truthful aspects. The conclusion of our research is to analyze the causes of cancellation of surgeries since it is a public health problem due to the impact it causes both economically to institutions and psychology to patients.

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