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25 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )

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30 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )

Journal ID : TMJ-28-02-2022-11160
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Title : Association of blood elements with acute and chronic renal failure in patients of different ages

Abstract :

The kidneys filter the blood and excrete waste products and extra fluid in the urine. When kidney function is damaged, waste products and extra fluid buildup in the body, which can be dangerous. Deterioration of renal function is slow, with exacerbation of symptoms with exacerbation of chronic renal failure. Sometimes the symptoms of the disease are not distinguished in the early stages, and therefore they are detected only at later stages. Blood factors and elements have important role in kidney function and regulation of them directly is related to kidney health and function. Therefore, this study aimed to study the association of some blood elements (calcium, potassium, and phosphorous) and blood factors like (creatinine) with kidney failure in acute and chronic stages. We also evaluated blood factors content in kidney failure patient in different age and sex groups to find out which age group is most affected by the disease and dysfunction and the impact of the analyzes of the previously mentioned elements. This study evaluated the parameters reported in more than 200 patients with renal failure in the hospitals affiliated to Babylon University of Medical college and compare them with 106 controls without renal failure and the effect and function of each of the variable factors in patients with acute and chronic renal failure and evaluation of the results through examination with dividing patients into specific age groups. The collected data were statistically analyzed by using ANOVA (one way) software in GraphPad Prism program and Excel software. Analyze of blood factors confirmed creatinine and potassium in female patients is higher than in male patients, perhaps because of different physiological structure and hormonal fluctuation which female patients exposed to. This positive correlation is possibly due to active symport events in kidney. We also note that the percentage of phosphorous for young people (15-38) is lower than for other ages. Calcium is more in patients with renal failure in male than in female and in Middle Ages (39-62) possibly due to deteriorated osteogenesis.

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