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23 Sep 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 09 )

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31 Aug 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 08 )

Journal ID : TMJ-28-12-2022-11476
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Title : Assessment of progastrin releasing peptide as a biomarker in early detection of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer patients; A prospective multicentric study

Abstract :

Bladder tumors are frequently diagnosed as urologic malignant diseases and mostly identified in their incipient form as non-muscle invasive. The diagnosis of bladder carcinoma at this moment is established using cytology and cystoscopy and is a great challenge for clinicians due to the lack of sensitivity and specificity. Biomarkers could improve and enhance the diagnosis and screening techniques. To evaluate the usefulness of serological and urological progastrin releasing peptide levels as a biomarker for the diagnosis of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. In this study, Patients were first diagnosed pathologically at our teaching hospital and oncology center. Eighty subjects were recruited and divided into three groups: Ta Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer patients (n= 26), T1 Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer patients (n= 24) and thirty healthy control subjects. Serum and urine samples were collected from patients and had their serum progastrin releasing peptide levels measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Statistical analyses were used to reveal the associations therein. Progastrin releasing peptide was significantly elevated in serum and urine of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (Ta and T1) patients (P < 0.0001); compared to control group, but its levels were higher in Ta Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer than T1 Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. Progastrin releasing peptide assay is a simple and inexpensive test, and might serve as a potential serological and urological biomarker for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer patients, especially, in the early stages Ta Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer.

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