Submission Deadline
20 May 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 05 )

Upcoming Publication
31 May 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 05 )

Journal ID : TMJ-24-02-2024-11597
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Title : A Cross-Sectional Study on the Knowledge and Attitude of the General Population in Saudi Arabia Regarding Weight Management Medications (WMMs)

Abstract :

The escalating obesity epidemic in Saudi Arabia necessitates effective management strategies, including the potential use of Weight Management Medications (WMMs). However, the general population's understanding and perceptions of these pharmacological interventions remain largely unexplored within the Saudi context. This study aims to assess the knowledge and attitudes towards WMMs among the Saudi populace, exploring the influence of demographic and experiential factors on these perceptions. Employing a cross-sectional study design, this research surveyed a representative sample of the Saudi population. Data were collected through structured online questionnaires, focusing on participants' awareness, knowledge, and attitudes towards WMMs, along with demographic information. Preliminary findings indicate a moderate level of awareness about WMMs among participants, with varied knowledge levels and generally cautious attitudes towards their use. Demographic factors such as age, gender, and educational attainment appeared to significantly influence participants' knowledge and perceptions of WMMs. The study highlights a critical gap in the public understanding and acceptance of WMMs in Saudi Arabia, underscoring the need for targeted educational and public health initiatives to address misconceptions and enhance the population's knowledge about these medications. The findings suggest that tailored communication strategies, considering the demographic and cultural context, could improve the acceptance and appropriate use of WMMs in obesity management within the country.

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