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19 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )

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30 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )


Teikyo Medical Journal

Journal ID : TMJ-17-04-2022-11256
Total View : 439

Title : Quality Process Of The Surgical Instrumentation In The Reduction Of Error In The Surgical Field

Abstract :

It was observed that in Colombia there is little research on the individual responsibility of the surgical instrumentator. However, the studies identified in the country show that in the professional practice their disciplinary participation can generate iatrogeny. The most frequent and individual corresponds to insufficient inputs for the needs of the patient, which may be associated with the social security system. Other iatrogenies related to the surgical instrumentator are burns, incomplete counts of the material, improper handling of specimens, incorrect completion of records and lack of verification of the state of the technological elements. These aspects were considered among the fundamental results, since they are a starting point to evaluate iatrogenies in health care institutions related to the function of surgical instrumentation. Identify the impact that the professional in surgical instrumentation has on the reduction of error in the surgical field. Within the research carried out, it was possible to identify that there are different factors that influence the participatory responsibility of a surgical instrumentator and the importance it has in the surgical field and the relationship it has with the entire multidisciplinary team.

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Journal ID : TMJ-17-04-2022-11255
Total View : 444


Abstract :

Simulation in students of the health sciences is used with the aim of strengthening the theoretical knowledge they acquire. We know that, without a simulated practice for students of nursing, surgical instrumentation, medicine, physiotherapy, etc. These may present shortcomings when facing the labor field. That is why simulation is considered as a tool for the training of students of health sciences, so that they acquire skills, abilities and strengthen theoretical practical knowledge. Determine the teaching-learning relationship in simulation as a pedagogical tool for the training of students in health sciences. A bibliographic review was carried out obtaining information from indexed and gray databases, for example, Scielo, PubMed, Dialnet, Revista Hospital ClĂ­nico Universitario de Chile, Educ. MedSuper, Science, Technology and Innovation Magazine, Global Nursing, Social Prism. The information provided was organized in matrices for bibliographic characterization and as a bibliographic manager the application of Mendeley was necessary. Learning styles played an important role within the simulations where the student manages to generate strategies for independent study, implementing skills since each person learns in a different way, that is why they devise the way in which you can capture all that pertinent information that allows you to achieve good clinical practices in your in-hospital practices.

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Journal ID : TMJ-15-04-2022-11253
Total View : 439

Title : Quantitative electroencephalographic changes in autism spectrum disorder with relation to severity of behavioral abnormality

Abstract :

Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder with increasing prevalence over the past years. Its diagnosis and grading depend on Scales like CARS, ADOS and GARS scales. Our aim is to test if EEG abnormalities found in ASD patients are related to the presence and severity of behavior dysfunction. This is a cross sectional study conducted in the period from September 2021 till March 2022. It included 53 patients (41 males and12 females, with age ranging between 3 and 12 years) diagnosed by an experienced psychiatrist according to DSM5 criteria. Patients were recruited from 4 autism centers in Al-Hillah city. All patients were assessed by history, physical examination and Gilliam autism rating scale (GARS 3). Then they undergo quantitative electroencephalographic recording in awake state. The study results showed that Increased spectra power of alpha frequency qEEG pattern was significantly related to the severity level of behavioral abnormality. We conclude that QEEG can be used as a marker for further assessment of ASD symptoms and behavioral abnormalities.

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