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19 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )

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30 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )


Teikyo Medical Journal

Journal ID : TMJ-11-04-2022-11246
Total View : 420

Title : Nurses' Practices and Side Effects following the first dose of Pfizer Vaccine Injection at Iraqi Health Centers Affiliated to COVID-19

Abstract :

In 2019 to 2020, people are waiting for the emergence of a vaccine for the Corona virus 19 that will save humanity and safe methods for preserving and injecting the vaccine, and from that moment when the Pfizer vaccine was discovered, and simple people and scientists among them are anxiously awaiting the side effect that will appear on the vaccinators, especially the first dose. The study aims to evaluate nurses' practices and identify the side effects following the first dose of Pfizer vaccine injection at Iraqi Health Centers affiliated to COVID-19. A descriptive study was conducted for (4) months for the year 2021 in Iraqi Health centers to vaccinate people with the Pfizer vaccine. The study took two aspects of the samples: the (25) nurses vaccinated with the Corona 19 vaccine, the (75) participants in the vaccination, and those who agreed to participate in the research. The sample was collected in two different ways according to the difference in the sample, including the observation of the injection of participants by nurses and the interview method and sending massage through the Viber program in the mobile to collect the side effect of the first dose of Pfizer vaccine through 1-3 days from injected. The result of the current study is that the nursing performance is acceptable for all volunteer nurses in health centers at the average level, as well as most of the vaccinated elderly and those suffering from chronic diseases and their responses about the side effect of the Pfizer vaccine towards fatigue and the largest percentage of pain and redness at the injection site. The researcher concludes from the results of the study that most of the nurses who volunteer to vaccinate citizens are committed to the vaccination steps, as well as the side effects are simple and do not have an effective and harmful effect on vaccinators, even the elderly and those who suffer from chronic diseases. The researcher recommends publishing the results of the research in the media, especially the side effect, in order to increase people’s awareness of the benefit of the vaccine and reduce fear of them, and to develop the expertise and performance of nurses towards scientific steps to preserve the Corona vaccine and the method of injecting the Pfizer vaccine.

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Journal ID : TMJ-11-04-2022-11245
Total View : 443

Title : Effect of stress management on Psychological status of patients with ulcerative colitis: case and control study

Abstract :

The main therapeutic goals in ulcerative colitis (UC) are to maintain excellent quality of life by managing stress on the patient's Psychological state and preventing attacks. Because stress can trigger UC flare-ups. The effects of stress on the immune system and the inflammatory system are complex and depend on both the duration and severity of the stress. Both chronic stress and acute stress are associated with changes in systemic immune and inflammatory function that may be relevant in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis. Find out the effectiveness of stress management on psychological status of patients with ulcerative colitis. Find out the relationship between the effectiveness of stress management and patient age, gender, marital status, level of education, occupation, monthly income, and residency. A quasi -experimental design study was performed on patient who attended to Gastroenterology and Hepatology Teaching Hospital, from March 2021 to September 2021. The non-probability sampling including 50 patients for case study and 30 patients for control group. The questionnaire consists of 4 parts, part one the socio-demographic consist of 8 items. Part two consist of 20 items related to patient stress and fatigue. Part three dealing the Stress reduction methods, which include 8 items. Part 4 consist of 7 items related to patient uses of stress management. The results of present study revealed that 64.8% of case group show moderate level of stress and fatigues among at pretest time while during post-test time was decrease to 55.2% at posttest, their methods of stress reduction at pretest was 72.8% for agreement for these methods ant it improved at posttest was 96.6%. In addition, patient used stress management at pretest was 64% and their used improved after applying the instruction program to 98.3% at posttest. The study concluded that the stress management was effective on case group.

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Journal ID : TMJ-09-04-2022-11242
Total View : 395

Title : Physiological and biochemical role of Visfatin, Resistin and homocysteine in patients with type II Diabetes mellitus

Abstract :

Type 2 diabetes is an emerging epidemic worldwide and one of the most common metabolic disorders. Adipokines refer to proteins secreted from adipose tissue, and they act both locally and systemically and express a variety of receptors, allowing them to respond to signals from other hormonal networks. This study was a cross sectional which conducted in Kirkuk city for the period from June 2020 to September population age ranged from (30 – 90) years old. The total of 50 subjects was separated to two groups as following: Type 2 diabetes group: 30 patients and control group: 20 patients. The results referred to the increased levels of Visfatin, Resistin and homocysteine in the diabetic group with highly significant differences (P≤0.01) when compared with control group.

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Journal ID : TMJ-09-04-2022-11240
Total View : 440

Title : Impact of Chemotherapy treatments among patients suffering from cancer

Abstract :

The increase in cancer incidence needs to constantly improve treatment with the least side effects of medication. This descriptive study was conducted to evaluate physical side effects in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. A study was conducted on 25 cancer patients receiving chemotherapy inside and outside Kirkuk governorate in northern Iraq, where data were collected using self-preparation of a questionnaire designed for each participant. The results showed that patients receiving chemotherapy had a variety of side effects, especially fatigue (84%) and anxiety (76%) in the most, while stomatitis was the least (48%). We concluded in this study that it is requisite to conduct a routine examination of the side effects of chemotherapy and to provide moral support to cancer patients.

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Journal ID : TMJ-08-04-2022-11238
Total View : 453


Abstract :

Preeclampsia is characterized by hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks of gestation. Several studies have found that pro-inflammatory cytokine levels were higher in preeclampsia patients than women with normotensive pregnancy, one of which was procalcitonin. However, at present, whether procalcitonin (PCT) level increases in patients with severe preeclampsia is still debatable. To determine the relationship between procalcitonin level in severe preeclampsia and women with normotensive pregnancy. Sampling collection in this study was obtained using the executive sampling method. There were 50 study samples, consisting of 25 pregnant patients with severe preeclampsia and 25 normotensive pregnant patients who underwent delivery at Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado General Hospital and Related Hospital in Manado City. Measurement of Procalcitonin level in all sample was performed and then data analyzed using SPSS software version 20.0. Procalcitonin levels in pregnant women with severe preeclampsia was 0.100 (0.020.00–0.900) ng/mL. Procalcitonin level in normotensive pregnant women was 0.040 (0.0150–0.045) ng/mL. There was a significant relationship (p <0.001) between PCT level and severe preeclampsia events. Severe preeclampsia patients had a higher PCT level than normotensive pregnant women. Patients with PCT level ≥0.095 ng/mL had a relative risk of experiencing severe preeclampsia of 4.125 (Confidence interval [CI] 95%, 2,257-7,540); and had a specificity and sensitivity of 100% and 68%, respectively. There was a significant relationship between PCT levels and the incidence of severe preeclampsia. Severe preeclampsia patients had a higher PCT level than normotensive pregnant women.

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