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25 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )

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30 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )


Teikyo Medical Journal

Journal ID : TMJ-18-10-2021-10729
Total View : 459

Title : Ketogenic Diet (KD): A Short Review

Abstract :

Ketogenic Diet (KD) is defined as a diet of a high-fat and low-carbohydrate intake. It was first used in 1920 for managing epilepsy but it has gained its popularity because of its effect on weight loss. When a person consume less than 50g of carbohydrates per day, the body will begin 2 processes, gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis. Ketogenesis will induce ketosis, which is defined as an elevated serum levels of ketone bodies circulating in the blood. Nutritional ketosis is described by the levels of ketone levels of 0.5 - 3mmol/L. There are 4 major types of ketogenic diet, which are the Classic Ketogenic Diet (CKD), the Medium Chain Triglyceride Ketogenic Diet (MCTKD), the Modified Atkins Diet (MAD), and the Low Glycemic Index Treatment (LGIT). Before initiating KD, there are some contraindications that needs to be ruled out. KD interestingly thought to have some benefits in health condition, such as supporting weight loss, reducing Cardiovascular (CVD) risk, improving serum levels of patient with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM), and also considered as a therapeutic regiment for neurological disorder. However, there are also some evidences mentioning common side effects and concerns in KD, including the “keto flu”, kidney problems, disruptions in lipid metabolism, and its questionable adherence to maintain long stable weight loss.

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Journal ID : TMJ-15-10-2021-10727
Total View : 564

Title : Analysis of Differences in Riil Costs of Hospital with INA-CBG'S Rate in Sectio Caesarea

Abstract :

The purpose of this study was to determine the difference between riil costs and INA CBG's costs at “XY” Jember Mother and Child Hospital. This study is a non-experimental study with a retrospective method. A retrospective study was used by following the patient's medical record data. This study compares two medical costs, namely the riil costs of “XY” Jember Mother and Child Hospital with INA CBG's rates for Sectio caesarea patients participating in JKN at “XY” Jember Mother and Child Hospital with a total of 100 respondents. The results of data processing from the help of the SPSS for windows version 25 program with independent t-test test obtained data that the P value of 0.002 (P value<0.05). It can be concluded that there was a significant difference in total direct medical costs between the Riil cost group and the INA CBG'S cost group.

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Journal ID : TMJ-14-10-2021-10726
Total View : 545

Title : Implementation of infrared spectroscopy (ic) – spectroscopic method in chemical-toxicological analysis of amlopidine

Abstract :

Amlodipine is the formation of dihydropyridine, has an antianginal and hypotensive effect. Therefore, it impacts to be created also the cause of the occurrence of several unpleasant phenomena, and in some cases, cases of poisoning were also observed. In these occasions, as a result of excessive vasodilation a sharp decrease in arterial pressure and cases of tachycardia are occurred [1].

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Journal ID : TMJ-12-10-2021-10717
Total View : 456

Title : Characteristics of Pregnancy with Suspect and Confirmed COVID-19 at Sebelas Maret University Hospital Surakarta

Abstract :

In pregnancy, any changes within the body allows an increased risk of COVID-19 infection. This may cause risks of complications and unwanted maternal and fetal outcomes during pregnancy. This study aims to describe the characteristics of pregnant women with confirmed COVID-19 at UNS Surakarta Hospital. This study is a descriptive-analytic study that was conducted in 2020 among 45 patients who were treated at UNS Surakarta Hospital. This research aims to see the characteristics of pregnant patients with suspicion and confirmed cases of COVID-19 at UNS Surakarta Hospital. It was found that most of patients who were confirmed with COVID-19 were at high school level (59.09%). The types of occupation most often found in confirmed patients were housewives and private employees (40.91%). Most of the patients came from the group age of less than 30 years (63.64%). Patients with gestational age of above 28 weeks were more likely to be diagnosed with COVID-19 (81.82%) with the majority of them as multigravida patients (63.64%). Both suspected and confirmed COVID-19 pregnant patients may be asymptomatic or symptomatic. The characteristics of pregnant women with COVID-19 at the UNS Surakarta Hospital are mostly high school students, multiparous and work as a housewife.

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Journal ID : TMJ-12-10-2021-10716
Total View : 345

Title : Spontaneous Resolution on Congenital Depression of Neonatal Skull: A Case Report

Abstract :

Neonatal congenital skull depression is a rare event. The reported incidence of this event varies between 1 to 2.5 every 10,000 livebirths. Treatment options varies from conservative to surgical. Spontaneous resolution has been observed in many patients without surgical intervention. In this case report, we will discuss the congenital skull depression of neonates who were delivered by a conservatively managed caesarean section. A 28-years-old multigravida woman at 38 weeks gestation was admitted to UNS Surakarta Hospital. When labor, the woman failed to progress and had a prolonged second stage of labor. As a result, she had to deliver by caesarean section. From this delivery, a neonate was born with a congenital cavity of the skull on the right parietal bone. The neonate was treated conservatively and showed spontaneous resolution within 16 days of observation. In this case, conservative treatment was chosen because there was no neurological deficit seen, and the depth of depression did not exceed 2 cm. Spontaneous resolution with conservative treatment has been reported previously, with complete resolution ranging from 4 to 6 months. Neonatal skull congenital depression is caused by many factors. Surgery may be considered if there is a neurological deficit in the neonate. In most cases, patients experience spontaneous resolution after 4 to 6 months.

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