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19 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )

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30 Apr 2024 (Vol 47 , Iss 04 )


Teikyo Medical Journal

Journal ID : TMJ-14-10-2021-10724
Total View : 334


Abstract :

In recent years, there has been an increase in the prevalence and mortality from lung diseases complicated by chronic cor pulmonale in Uzbekistan. To optimize early diagnosis, adequate prevention and treatment of CCP, it is necessary to clarify the factors leading to its development and aggravating its course [1], [5]. A number of authors note that in COPD there is vasoconstriction of the vessels of the pulmonary circulation, leading to hypertrophy, dilatation and failure of the right ventricle (RV) of the heart. But the question of what pathogenetic mechanisms underlie these changes in COPD has not yet been resolved. According to most researchers, in patients with chronic lung diseases, the leading factor in the development of hemodynamic changes and disorders of the diastolic function of the right ventricle of the heart are disorders of the ventilatory lung capacity, hypoxia and endothelial dysfunction [2], [4], [10]. With prolonged hypoxia and affective state in patients with COPD, the endothelial function, which promotes vascular relaxation, is significantly reduced, which can be the cause of pulmonary vasoconstriction, the occurrence of pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy (RV) of the heart. When studying violations of peripheral blood flow in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, great importance is given to the vasoregulatory function of the vascular endothelium. The role of endothelial function in the pathogenesis of PH was studied mainly in patients with primary PH.

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Journal ID : TMJ-14-10-2021-10723
Total View : 432


Abstract :

The formation of the neuroimmuneedocrine (regulatory) system covers the prenatal period, proceeding under sterile conditions, and the postnatal period, under the influence of various microorganisms. In this work, using the example of non- microbial, mono-associated, contaminated with pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, the morphological features of the formation of the intestinal neuroimmune-endocrine system are considered. It, as an important component of the general regulatory system of the body, has a decisive influence on the structure and function of internal organs, interaction with the external environment. The paper considers modern methods of studying the properties of the neuroimmune endocrine system of the digestive system during the regulation of adaptation and homeostasis.

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Journal ID : TMJ-14-10-2021-10722
Total View : 342


Abstract :

Violation of vaginal microbiocenosis with the development of bacterial vaginosis in women of reproductive age is manifested in an increase in the number of opportunistic microorganisms and contamination of habitats unusual for this type of bacteria, which serves as a signal for irreversible changes in the corresponding link of the ecosystem. The aim of this work was to study the qualitative and quantitative composition of the vaginal microflora in women of reproductive age with bacterial vaginosis. The study involved 34 patients and 20 apparently healthy women. In all patients, the qualitative and quantitative composition of the bacterial flora of the vagina was studied with using bacteriological methods. The studies carried out made it possible to establish the nature of microecological changes in the vaginal microbiocenosis in bacterial vaginosis, which consists in a decrease in the amount of lactoflora, an increase in the species richness of microflora, an increase in the proportion of anaerobic microorganisms and an increase in the persistent potential of the vaginal microflora. As a result of the analysis of the species characteristics of the biotopes of the reproductive tract in patients (n = 34) with bacterial vaginosis, it was noted that among aerobes, only one tenth were lactobacilli (7.55%). Conditionally pathogenic aerobic microorganisms accounted for 92.45% of strains, of which a large proportion (75.45%) were gram-positive cocci: staphylococci (CBS -20.74%, KPS- 5.66%), streptococci (11.31%) and enterococci (37.74%). Enterobacteriaceae were represented by E. coli strains (5.66%). The anaerobic microflora of the vagina is mostly represented by bacteroids (9.43%) and eubacteria (1.89%).

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Journal ID : TMJ-13-10-2021-10721
Total View : 432

Title : The effect of honey bee (Apis Mellifera) venom as an bacterial and antifungal antagonist

Abstract :

A smooth, colorless, sweet liquid with a bitter taste and a precise weight of 1.13 is the Honey Bee Poison. It is a complex complex of proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, and volatile oils that cause stinging pain and heating damages bee venom. The toxin starts to be deposited shortly before its departure from the virgin in honey bee workers' worker bees. For the prevention of rheumatic fever, nerve and joint inflammation and irritation, bee venom may be used. The aim of this study The Effect of Honey Bee Venom (Apis Mellifera) On Pathogenic Bacteria. In the Abbasid district of Salah al-Din governorate, and from the apiary of the College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, an apiary was discovered. The number of workers ranges from 2000 to 3000 workers in each cell. The extraction was carried out in two ways: the venom of the honey bee is extracted by using an insulin syringe, where the needle is implanted. Direct effect (without dilution) of samples on bacterial and fungi isolates using the cross-drilling method and Specify MIC and MFC. Natural products are known to be a renewable alternative with less problems than a wide variety of active compounds may create. BV includes a number of bioactive ingredients that play a critical role as antimicrobials, including melittin, apamin, and PLA2. BV trials may well contribute to the potential production of novel pharmaceuticals.

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Journal ID : TMJ-13-10-2021-10720
Total View : 343

Title : The state of the cell leukocyte pool in children with pneumococcal pneumonia

Abstract :

Timely diagnosis of the immune defense system in children with pneumococcal pneumonia and the development of pathogenetically based therapy can significantly improve the prognosis of this pathology. Newborn children receive antibodies to many types of pneumococcus from their mother. However, as the level of antibodies decreases, the incidence of pneumococcal pneumonia increases from the second half of life. In the future, up to the age of 3, the level of antibodies to Streptococcus pneumoniae remains low, reaching the level characteristic of adults only by school age. This makes young children especially susceptible to pneumococcal infection. At the same time, due to the immaturity of immune mechanisms, children with pneumococcal infection have a very high risk of developing bacteremia.

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